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© 2021 PulseHIIT LLC

The Secret to Burning Calories

It's not complicated, we will show you how!

Hey Everyone,

Erin and Josh with PulseHIIT here.

First of all, thanks everyone for the huge amount of great comments and questions we received from our first video. We tried to respond to every single one of them!

So this email might be a little long but trust us, it’s worth reading! Here we go…

The other day we were telling you about how it’s possible to make exercise and fitness fun again with powerful motivational and time saving tools that essentially brings a leading trainer to your doorstep. Intriguing, right?

If you want to burn calories up to 38 hours after your workout, read on!

Erin’s been helping people get amazing results for years with her fast-paced, fun, challenging workouts and competitions. It’s a crazy time-saving, motivational toolset!

Just imagine having more time and energy to exercise? You could incredible results just like these amazing people on our homepage – check them out for yourself.

Now we’re about to let you in on a little top-trainer, insider workout secret. One that will help reduce the length of your workouts while also speeding up your metabolism long after the workout is over.

Are you ready?

It’s about harnessing the workout afterburn effect!

*Results from Erin’s programs and classes using high-intensity workouts NOT specifically PulseHIIT. Results not typical or guaranteed but these results are real.

The afterburn effect is the amount of oxygen consumed after a workout to return the body to its resting state which causes you to burn more calories – it raises your metabolism (Vella & Kravitz 2004).

Since we are all pinched for time, we need an effective way to ramp up the afterburn to get us burning calories possibly 38 hours post-workout (Schuenke et al 2002) in a timely manner.
From the research out there, here’s what the pulse raising workouts are based one:

  • Perform exercise at a high intensity (70 – 75% or your VO2 max)
  • Perform for at least 30 minutes
  • Perform resistance/circuit training

Fast-paced resistance training performed with little rest between sets can help you burn a huge amount of calories during and after your workout (performed in a controlled state). Super-set each exercise with an opposing muscle group so you are constantly moving from one exercise to the other, with minimal to no rest between each set.

This gives your workout more of a circuit training format that will get your heart pumping, your muscles beat, and you at a high-intensity during the entire workout!

This may sound super simple, but if you can combine these variables, you will have stuck the mother-load in terms of metabolic performance.

And Erin can show you the exact exercises to shred fat and burn calories long after your workout!

How awesome is that?

Now to switch gears, we wanted to cover the most common exercise objections we received:

Concern #1: “I can’t find the time to workout at all.”

In all honestly, when you change your environment you can change your habits. For instance, if the gym is the ONLY place that you workout, you might not get there very often so you seem like you don’t have time to exercise. BUT if you find a solution that allows you to workout right when you get up, over lunch break, when you get home from work…etc. you find you actually do have time to change your life!

Concern #2: “I’ve never been able to find the motivation to exercise… anywhere.”

When you find a way to make exercise more convenient, it’s amazing how much more motivated you’re to exercise. By making exercise convenient while also finding the proper support system, exercise becomes fun and enjoyable. Get a friend or family member on board with your journey and you both will find boundless motivation to change your workouts and actually change your life!

With the right approach, you can find some serious motivation to get incredible results!

Okay, we seriously can’t wait for the content we have coming your way. It will help exercise stick and you don’t want to miss it!

Finally, please comment or send us any questions you have on our social channels. We will respond to each one!

Talk soon,
Erin and Josh
PulseHIIT Founders

P.S. If you missed our first video, check it out here.


  1. Kabirat

    Hmm, our busy schedules aren’t really helping us achieve our exercise goals. But I guess a workout where one can engage when one gets up, over lunch break, or back from work would really go a long way to help.

  2. Dammy

    I don’t get what you mean by resistance training performed in a controlled state? Like, is that supposed to be how you control the workout or it’s something that has to do with burning the calories.

    • Josh Anderson

      Ahh, good question! Essentially meaning to perform it with body control. Or put in another way, controlling your movement to prevent injury and focusing on the muscle contraction. Instead of wildly swinging your weights around just to do a ton of reps, focus on each rep to maximize each one.

  3. Vivian

    This is a good tip. Super-setting each exercise with an opposing muscle group so you are constantly moved from one exercise to the other, with minimal to no rest between each set really works very well. I do try that and I like the results.

  4. Josh Anderson

    We look forward to seeing you in the member area!

  5. Josh Anderson

    HAHA, right?

  6. Josh Anderson

    IT’s all about time management and finding the time to exercise! Let us know if you have any questions, we are here to help!

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